NRS 269.540
Initiative petition: Use

  • procedure
  • number of signatures required.


If the initiative petition method is followed, the procedures established by NRS 295.085 to 295.125, inclusive, for the adoption of county ordinances by initiative petition shall be followed, subject to the criteria set forth in NRS 269.545 and provided the petitions are signed by a number of registered voters of the area equal to 51 percent or more of the number of voters in such area who voted at the last preceding general election in the county, determined as nearly as is practicable from the voting records of the whole number of precincts within such area.


If the petitioners’ committee desires to place the question of formation on the ballot, without reference to the board of county commissioners, the initiative petition shall be signed by a number of voters of the area equal to 10 percent or more of the number of voters in such area who voted at the last preceding general election in the county, determined as provided in subsection 1.

Source: Section 269.540 — Initiative petition: Use; procedure; number of signatures required., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-269.­html#NRS269Sec540.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 269.540’s source at nv​.us