NRS 244.288
Industrial development of real property by county

  • notice
  • hearing
  • option to purchase property.


Notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 244.275, the board of county commissioners of a county, upon making a finding pursuant to a public hearing that a county industrial park is necessary to meet the needs of the county, and that no private enterprise has presented an acceptable proposal for industrial development, may develop a plan, establish requirements for and carry out the:


Acquisition, sale or lease of real property by the county for industrial development, upon such lawful terms and conditions as are agreed to by the board.


Design, engineering and construction of industrial developments for sale or lease.


The board shall:


Give notice of its intention by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county, or if there is no such newspaper then in a newspaper of general circulation in the county published in the State; and


Hold its public hearing not less than 10 nor more than 20 days after the date of publication of the notice.


The board may grant an option to purchase property designated for industrial development. The duration of the option must not exceed 3 years, but afterward the board may extend it year by year. Any attempted assignment of such an option, whether contractual or effected by operation of law, is void. Upon its execution, the option must immediately be recorded by the board with the county recorder.


After review by the planning commission, a member of the board or the purchaser or lessee of the property shall present the proposed plan for an industrial development to the board.


The board shall, after a public hearing, approve or reject the proposed plan.

Source: Section 244.288 — Industrial development of real property by county; notice; hearing; option to purchase property., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-244.­html#NRS244Sec288.

Care and preservation of property.
Control, management and gifts of property.
Use of county equipment on private road
Purchase or lease of property for use of county
Purchase, sale or exchange of property with owners abutting road or flood control facility to adjust road or flood control facility
Acceptance of grant of right-of-way, permit, lease or patent over certain federal lands.
Maintenance and repair of dedicated streets or easements acquired by general improvement district.
Sale or lease of right-of-way or water rights to public utility.
Sale or lease of certain real property: Determination that sale or lease is in best interest of county
Sale of certain real property at auction: Resolution declaring intention to sell property
Lease of real property of county
Lease or conveyance of real property of county to corporation for public benefit.
Lease or lease-purchase agreement for construction or remodeling of building or facility
Conveyance of property to nonprofit organization for development of affordable housing: Application
Industrial development of real property by county
Reconveyance, sale or lease of land donated, dedicated or condemned for public purposes.
Ordinance authorizing use of vacant or blighted county land for community gardening.
Acquisition and maintenance of cemeteries
Construction and maintenance of parking facilities
Motor vehicles.
Use of county equipment and county highway patrols in certain counties.
Sale or lease of certain real property: Appraisal required
Sale, lease or disposal of real property of county for redevelopment or economic development
Transfer or sale of real property which was part of original mining townsite and which was acquired by county directly from Federal Government.
Lease of building space or other real property that is less than 25,000 square feet.
Lease of real property to certain nonprofit organizations.
Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 244.288’s source at nv​.us