NRS 218D.680
Delivery of bill to Secretary of State if bill becomes law without Governor’s signature or if veto overridden.


If a bill becomes a law without the Governor’s signature pursuant to Section 35 of Article 4 of the Nevada Constitution, the Governor shall direct a member of the Governor’s staff to deliver the bill to the Secretary of State, who shall:


Endorse the bill in the manner required by NRS 218D.675; and


Give a receipt for the bill in the manner required by NRS 218D.700.


If a bill becomes a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Section 35 of Article 4 of the Nevada Constitution, the Legislative Counsel, or such person as the Legislative Counsel designates in writing, shall deliver the bill to the Secretary of State, who shall:


Endorse the bill in the manner required by NRS 218D.675; and


Give a receipt for the bill with the information required by NRS 218D.700.
Other Duties of Executive Department

Source: Section 218D.680 — Delivery of bill to Secretary of State if bill becomes law without Governor’s signature or if veto overridden., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec680.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 218D.680’s source at nv​.us