NRS 218D.635
Transmittal of passed legislative measure to State Printer

  • meaning and interpretation of new and omitted matter in enrolled legislative measure
  • comparison of enrolled copy with official engrossed copy
  • presentation to officers for signatures.


The Legislative Counsel shall transmit a copy of each passed bill and resolution, in the order of its receipt, to the State Printer and take a receipt therefor. The receipt must bear the date of delivery and give the bill or resolution number.


The State Printer shall print each bill and resolution, in the order of its receipt, in enrolled form, retaining the symbols indicating the amendments to existing law.


In printing an enrolled bill which amends existing law, the State Printer, in cooperation with the Legislative Counsel, shall cause to be printed:


Between brackets and in strike out type the words, phrases or provisions of the existing law, if any, which have been stricken out or eliminated by the passage of the bill; and


In italics all new words, phrases or provisions, if any, which have been inserted into or added to the existing law by the passage of the bill.


In ascertaining the correct reading, status and interpretation of an enrolled bill which amends existing law:


The matter printed between brackets and in strike out type must be omitted; and


The matter printed in italics must be read and interpreted as part of the enrolled bill.


The Legislative Counsel shall carefully compare the enrolled copy with the official engrossed copy, and if the enrolled copy is found to be correct, the Legislative Counsel shall present it to the proper officers for their signatures. When the officers sign their names on the enrolled copy, as required by law, it is enrolled. The official engrossed copy may by resolution be used as the enrolled bill.

Source: Section 218D.635 — Transmittal of passed legislative measure to State Printer; meaning and interpretation of new and omitted matter in enrolled legislative measure; comparison of enrolled copy with official engrossed copy; presentation to officers for signatures., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec635.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 218D.635’s source at nv​.us