NRS 218D.550
Determination of form and correction of mistakes by Legislative Counsel.


Before introduction, each bill must be delivered to the Legislative Counsel for the purpose of determining if the bill is in the proper form as prescribed by law or rule of the Houses. The Legislative Counsel is authorized to correct any clerical error such as orthography, adding or correcting the enacting clause, mistakes in numbering sections and references thereto, and in any other particular wherein the bill does not comply in form with law or rule of the Houses.


If, in the opinion of the Legislative Counsel, any correction made by the Legislative Counsel under the authority of this section should in any manner be construed to be a change in the bill other than a change in form, the Legislative Counsel shall obtain the consent of the author of the bill before making such change.

Source: Section 218D.550 — Determination of form and correction of mistakes by Legislative Counsel., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec550.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 218D.550’s source at nv​.us