NRS 218A.935
Arrest and imprisonment upon finding of contempt

  • warrant.


If the House finds by resolution that the alleged offender has in fact committed a contempt, the House shall issue a warrant for the arrest of the offender.


A warrant issued for the arrest of the offender pursuant to subsection 1 must:


Be signed by the presiding officer;


Be directed to the Sergeant at Arms or any regularly appointed Assistant Sergeant at Arms of the House or any peace officer; and


Order the Sergeant at Arms, Assistant Sergeant at Arms or peace officer to arrest the offender, if the offender is not already in custody, and deliver the offender to the Sheriff of Carson City or a designated county for imprisonment in the jail.


A copy of the warrant must be delivered with the offender to the designated sheriff and must fix the term of imprisonment as:


The remaining duration of the regular or special session; or


A specified term, unless the Legislature adjourns sine die before the completion of that term.

Source: Section 218A.935 — Arrest and imprisonment upon finding of contempt; warrant., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218A.­html#NRS218ASec935.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 218A.935’s source at nv​.us