NRS 211.180
Exchange of labor for confinement: Promise of prisoner to appear

  • penalty for violation of promise.


A prisoner who voluntarily exchanges labor for confinement shall give his or her promise to appear for work by signing a notice to appear before the sheriff or chief of police of the municipality at a time and place specified in the notice. The signed notice must be retained by the sheriff or chief of police and a copy given to the prisoner.


A prisoner who willfully violates his or her promise to appear is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Source: Section 211.180 — Exchange of labor for confinement: Promise of prisoner to appear; penalty for violation of promise., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-211.­html#NRS211Sec180.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 211.180’s source at nv​.us