NRS 202.2533
Findings and declarations.

The People of Nevada do hereby find and declare that:


To promote public safety, federal law currently prohibits felons, domestic abusers, the severely mentally ill, and other dangerous people from buying or possessing firearms;


Federally licensed firearms dealers are required to run background checks on their prospective buyers to ensure they are not prohibited from buying or possessing firearms;


Criminals and other dangerous people can avoid background checks by buying guns from unlicensed firearms sellers, whom they can easily meet online or at gun shows and who are not legally required to run background checks before selling or transferring firearms;


Due to this loophole, millions of guns exchange hands each year in the United States without a background check;


The background check process is quick and convenient: Over 90% of federal background checks are completed instantaneously and over 97% of Nevadans live within 10 miles of a licensed gun dealer;


We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities, including the responsibility to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons and domestic abusers;


To promote public safety and protect our communities, and to create a fair, level playing field for all gun sellers, the people of Nevada find it necessary to more effectively enforce current law prohibiting dangerous persons from purchasing and possessing firearms by requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transfers, with reasonable exceptions, including for immediate family members, hunting, and self-defense.

Source: Section 202.2533 — Findings and declarations., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-202.­html#NRS202Sec2533.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 202.2533’s source at nv​.us