NRS 130.704
Initiation of support proceeding under Convention by Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of Department of Health and Human Services.


In a support proceeding under NRS 130.7011 to 130.713, inclusive, the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services shall:


Transmit and receive applications; and


Initiate or facilitate the institution of a proceeding regarding an application in a tribunal of this State.


The following support proceedings are available to the obligee under the Convention:


Recognition or recognition and enforcement of a foreign support order;


Enforcement of a support order issued or recognized in this State;


Establishment of a support order if there is no existing order, including, if necessary, determination of parentage of a child;


Establishment of a support order if recognition of a foreign support order is refused under paragraphs (b), (d) or (i) of subsection 2 of NRS 130.708;


Modification of a support order of a tribunal of this State; and


Modification of a support order of a tribunal of another state or a foreign country.


The following support proceedings are available under the Convention to an obligor against which there is an existing support order:


Recognition of an order suspending or limiting enforcement of an existing support order of a tribunal of this State;


Modification of a support order of a tribunal of this State; and


Modification of a support order of a tribunal of another state or a foreign country.


A tribunal of this State may not require security, bond or deposit, however described, to guarantee the payment of costs and expenses in proceedings under the Convention.

Source: Section 130.704 — Initiation of support proceeding under Convention by Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of Department of Health and Human Services., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-130.­html#NRS130Sec704.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 130.704’s source at nv​.us