NRS 122.055
Consolidation of forms for marriage

  • requirements and limitations on information on reverse of form.


The county clerk may place the affidavit of application for a marriage license, the certificate of marriage and the marriage license on a single form.


The county clerk shall have printed or stamped on the reverse of the form:


Instructions for obtaining a certified copy or certified abstract of the certificate of marriage.


Language in black ink and at least 16-point bold type in a font that is easy to read and that is in substantially the following form:
[Text not available]
This is a duplicate of your certificate. This is not a certified copy. After the certificate has been recorded by the county recorder or filed by the county clerk, you may obtain a certified copy. For name changes and other legal matters, you will need to obtain a certified copy.
[Text not available]


Nothing may be printed, stamped or written on the reverse of the form other than the instructions and language described in subsection 2 and a time stamp used by the county clerk to signify that the form has been filed.

Source: Section 122.055 — Consolidation of forms for marriage; requirements and limitations on information on reverse of form., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-122.­html#NRS122Sec055.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 122.055’s source at nv​.us