NRS 694C.259
Certificate of dormancy: Application

  • powers and duties of certificate holder
  • renewal
  • surrender
  • revocation
  • regulations.


A captive insurer which ceases to transact the business of insurance, including, without limitation, the issuance of insurance policies and the assumption of reinsurance, may apply to the Commissioner for a certificate of dormancy.


Upon application by a captive insurer pursuant to subsection 1, the Commissioner may issue a certificate of dormancy to the captive insurer. The Commissioner may issue a certificate of dormancy to a captive insurer even if the captive insurer retains liabilities that are associated with policies that were written or assumed by the captive insurer provided that the captive insurer has otherwise ceased to transact the business of insurance.


A dormant captive insurer shall:


Possess and thereafter maintain unimpaired paid-in capital and surplus of not less than $25,000.


Pursuant to NRS 694C.230, pay an annual fee and, in addition to any other fee or charge, all applicable fees required pursuant to NRS 680C.110 for the renewal of a license.


Be subject to examination for any year for which the dormant captive insurer is not in compliance with the provisions of this section.


A dormant captive insurer may:


At the discretion of the Commissioner, be subject to examination for any year for which the dormant captive insurer is in compliance with the provisions of this section.


Continue to adjudicate and settle insurance claims under any contract of insurance or reinsurance that the captive insurer issued during any period in which the captive insurer was not a dormant captive insurer. The effective date of such a contract of insurance or reinsurance must be before the date on which the Commissioner issued a certificate of dormancy to the captive insurer.


A dormant captive insurer is not:


Subject to or liable for the payment of any tax pursuant to NRS 694C.450.


Required to:


Prepare audited financial statements;


Obtain actuarial certifications or opinions; or


File annual reports with the Commissioner pursuant to NRS 694C.400.


A certificate of dormancy is subject to renewal after 5 years and is forfeited if not renewed within that period.


Except as otherwise provided by this section, before issuing any insurance policy or otherwise transacting the business of insurance, a dormant captive insurer must apply to the Commissioner for approval to surrender its certificate of dormancy and resume transacting the business of insurance.


The Commissioner shall revoke the certificate of dormancy of a dormant captive insurer that is not in compliance with the provisions of this section.


The Commissioner may adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

Source: Section 694C.259 — Certificate of dormancy: Application; powers and duties of certificate holder; renewal; surrender; revocation; regulations., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-694C.­html#NRS694CSec259.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 694C.259’s source at nv​.us