NRS 388A.274
Application to be rated using alternative performance framework

  • sponsor of charter school authorized to require charter school to take certain actions
  • evaluation of application
  • proposed sponsor to include certain language in charter contract upon approval.


If a charter school wishes to be rated using the alternative performance framework prescribed by the State Board pursuant to NRS 385A.730, the governing body of the charter school may submit to the sponsor of the charter school a request to amend the written charter or charter contract, as applicable, of the charter school pursuant to NRS 388A.276 to include the mission statement and admissions policy required by subsection 4 of NRS 385A.740.


The sponsor of a charter school may require that:


A request to amend a written charter or charter contract described in subsection 1 also include such changes to the academic program, organizational plan and financial model of the charter school as the sponsor of the charter school determines are necessary for a charter school rated using the alternative performance framework; and


A charter school which submits a request to amend a written charter or charter contract described in subsection 1 perform such actions as the sponsor of the charter school determines to be necessary to successfully transition to being rated using the alternative performance framework.


The sponsor of a charter school shall evaluate a request to amend a written charter or charter contract described in subsection 1 by reviewing the academic, organizational and financial performance of the charter school. If the sponsor of the charter school determines that the charter school is unlikely to achieve academic, organizational or financial success if the request to amend its written charter or charter contract is approved, the sponsor of the charter school must deny the request.


Unless invited to do so by the sponsor of the charter school, the governing body of a charter school whose request to amend its written charter or charter contract is denied pursuant to subsection 3 may not submit a materially similar request for 1 year after the denial of its request.


If a proposed sponsor of a charter school approves an application to form a charter school and the proposed sponsor of the charter school determines that the charter school has a mission statement and an admissions policy which satisfy the requirements of subsection 4 of NRS 385A.740, the proposed sponsor of the charter school shall include language in the charter contract entered into with the charter school which provides that:


Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b), the proposed sponsor of the charter school will submit an application to the State Board on behalf of the charter school for the charter school to be rated using the alternative performance framework within 2 years after the charter school commences operation;


The proposed sponsor of the charter school will submit the application described in paragraph (a) only upon the successful completion by the charter school of such actions as the proposed sponsor of the charter school determines to be necessary to successfully transition to being rated using the alternative performance framework; and


Upon approval of such an application by the State Board, the performance framework adopted by the proposed sponsor of the charter school will be replaced by the alternative performance framework.

Source: Section 388A.274 — Application to be rated using alternative performance framework; sponsor of charter school authorized to require charter school to take certain actions; evaluation of application; proposed sponsor to include certain language in charter contract upon approval., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388A.­html#NRS388ASec274.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388A.274’s source at nv​.us