NRS 244A.445
Issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds.

For any such purpose, the board, at any time or from time to time, in the name and on the behalf of the county may:




General obligation bonds, payable from taxes; and


General obligation bonds, payable from taxes, which payment is additionally secured by a pledge of gross or net revenues derived from the operation of such recreational facilities, and, if so determined by the board, further secured by a pledge of such other gross or net revenues as may be derived from any other income-producing project of the county or from any license or other excise taxes levied for revenue, as may be legally made available for their payment;


Issue revenue bonds payable solely from the gross or net revenues to be derived from the operation of such recreational facilities, as the board may decide; and


Make a contract creating an indebtedness with the United States of America, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any other person or agency, public or private, if a question authorizing such contract is submitted to and approved by the electors of the county in the manner provided for a question in NRS 350.020 to 350.070, inclusive.

Source: Section 244A.445 — Issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-244A.­html#NRS244ASec445.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 244A.445’s source at nv​.us