NRS 218G.550
Duty of agency to notify Legislative Auditor of cases involving fatality or near fatality of child

  • review of agency’s handling of case
  • duty of agency to cooperate with review.


Any time that a child who has had contact with, or who has been in the custody of, an agency which provides child welfare services suffers a fatality or a near fatality, the agency which provides child welfare services shall notify the Legislative Auditor or the Legislative Auditor’s designee and shall forward to the Legislative Auditor or designee as soon as possible any files, notes, information and records which the agency has concerning the child, the manner in which the case was handled, any services that were provided to the child or the family of the child and any other relevant information.


The Legislative Auditor or designee shall review the information obtained pursuant to subsection 1 to determine whether the case was handled in a manner which is consistent with state and federal law and to determine whether any measures, procedures or protocols could have assisted in preventing the fatality or near fatality.


Each agency which provides child welfare services shall:


Cooperate fully with the Legislative Auditor or designee;


Provide the Legislative Auditor or designee with any data, reports or information concerning a report or investigation of the abuse or neglect of a child and the response by the agency; and


Allow the Legislative Auditor to inspect, review and copy any records, reports and other documents relevant to his or her duties pursuant to this section.

Source: Section 218G.550 — Duty of agency to notify Legislative Auditor of cases involving fatality or near fatality of child; review of agency’s handling of case; duty of agency to cooperate with review., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218G.­html#NRS218GSec550.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 218G.550’s source at nv​.us