NRS 218D.660
Delivery of enrolled bill to Governor for action.


An enrolled bill must be delivered by the Legislative Counsel, or by such person as the Legislative Counsel designates in writing, to the Governor for action.


The Governor shall authorize one or more members of the Governor’s staff to receive and give a receipt for an enrolled bill in the Governor’s name. During a regular or special session, at least one such member of the Governor’s staff must be available in Carson City to receive enrolled bills:


During all hours that state offices are regularly open for the transaction of business pursuant to NRS 281.110; and


During other hours if the Legislative Counsel, or such person as the Legislative Counsel designates in writing, provides reasonable notice, orally or in writing, to the Governor or a member of the Governor’s staff that an enrolled bill will be delivered at a time when state offices are not regularly open for the transaction of business.
Approval, Inaction or Veto by Governor

Source: Section 218D.660 — Delivery of enrolled bill to Governor for action., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec660.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 218D.660’s source at nv​.us